Thursday 7th September, 2023
Scotland votes Yes in a second Scottish independence referendum.
Saturday 9th September, 2023
UK Prime Minister concedes that Scotland has voted to leave the Union.
Wednesday 13th September, 2023
Westminster Parliament approves a Statutory Instrument to add Scotland to the Statute of Westminster 1931. This means Scotland joins Canada, Australia, etc., as countries for which Westminster will no longer pass legislation except with the full consent of the relevant Parliament, in Scotland’s case, Holyrood.
Monday, 2nd October, 2023
The Scottish Government introduces the Scottish Reserve Bank (Establishment) Bill into Holyrood, Stage 1.
The Scottish Reserve Bank Act receives Royal Assent. The new bank occupies the old Royal High School Building in Edinburgh. The Bank's President and Directors are appointed.
Aims of the Monetary Policy Committee of Scottish Reserve Bank are agreed:
Mid 2025
Commercial Banks write to Scottish customers using a Scottish sort code or postal address to invite them to open a Scottish Currency account(s).
Any other customers, eg., Scots in London or with English sort codes, may contact their bank to request a Scottish currency account.
Companies apply to have sterling and Scottish currency accounts, card payment facilities, etc.
Designs for Scottish notes and coins finalised after a national competition. Sent to De La Rue Plc for manufacturing.
Sunday 30th November, 2025 - Independence Day
Charles III attends lowering of the Union Flag for the last time at Edinburgh Castle.
December 2025
Banks start to post new Scottish Currency bank cards and cheque books to clients.
Mid January 2026
Starter packs of Scottish Currency go on sale.
Saturday 31st January / Sunday 1st February, 2026
Sterling account balances sold to the Scottish Reserve Bank. Replacement Scottish currency deposited to new accounts. Vending machines converted. Cash machines converted.
Monday 2nd February, 2026 - Currency Day
New currency on public sale. New debit and credit cards go live.
Monday 9th March, 2026
December 31st, 2026